TG drives, s.r.o. is Czech company that offer servodrives since 1995. Actual product
range is as follows:
- Synchronous servomotors TGN, TGH, TGS and TGT series
- Torque motors TGQ
- Digital servoamplifiers TG Power
- Digital servoamplifiers TGZ-48, TGZ-320
- Digital servoamplifiers TGA-24, TGA-48
- Digital servoamplifiers AKD and SERVOSTAR 300/400/600/700
Precise mechanical systems
- Linear actuators
- DriveSpin – rotary actuators
- Cycloidal gearboxes TS
- Planetary gearboxes SG
- Planetary gearboxes MNT and MRP
- Robotic mechanism and systems
Control system, PC and panels
- Universal control system TG Motion
- Operator terminals
- Industrial PCs
Interference of electrical equipment
- Design and optimalization of drives
- Design of control systems
- Programming
- Start up
- Warranty service and after-warranty service
- warranty and post-warranty service information
about an unaccepted customer complaint *.pdf
Quality Management Systems
- Company Policy *.pdf
- ISO 9001 *.pdf
- ISO 14001 *.pdf
- TG Drives OP PIK 2014-2025 *.jpg
- TG Drives OP PIK Photo documentation