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Policy Regarding Processing and Protection of Personal Data
(General Data Protection Regulation Policy)
(hereinafter the “Policy”)

Who are we?

The following are our statutory identification data in our capacity of the administrator and processor of personal data:

TG Drives, s.r.o., Company number: 60738821, registered office: Olomoucká 1290/79, Černovice, Brno, Postal Code: 627 00 (hereinafter also “TG Drives” or the Company”).

Who is the Policy designed for?

The Policy relates to processing of your personal data as the content of information covered by the Policy. No personal data will have been processed via the Internet site www.tgdrives.cz.

We represent in the capacity of the administrator and the processor of your personal data that your personal data are considered as confidential and that they will be handled in keeping with the existing legislation governing personal data protection because protection of your personal data rank among the fundamental policies governing our business.


Administrator’s contact details:

TG Drives, s.r.o. 

TEL.: +420 548 141 811

E-MAIL: gdpr@tgdrives.cz


What data do we collect and process?

Depending on the purpose of such processing and also under the conditions as stipulated in the present Policy, we collect, manage, and process the following personal data of yours:

o    identification data, including without limitation, first name and surname, and further identification data to the absolutely necessary extent

o    contact information, including without limitation, telephone number, e-mail address, contact address

o   and/or any other personal data whose processing will always be explicitly notified to the subject not later than prior to their processing


Why do we process such data and how will they have been made use of?

Some information may even be processed without your consent:

o    Any identification data provided by you and serving electronic communication (including without limitation, via electronic mail) so that such information provided by you may be processed for the purposes of our justified interest in order to allow for mutual communication

o    identification, contact, and/or further personal data of yours to the extent as required:

·       data belonging to natural persons – customers of our products and services

·       data belonging to entities acting for business partners cooperating with this Company (i.e., including without limitation, representatives of our suppliers, customers, and other business partners);

all that for the purposes of unequivocal identification allowing for the performance of contracts entered into by and between such relevant entity and the Company, and for the performance of certain measures adopted prior to the execution of such contracts (i.e., within negotiations preceding executions of contracts in the form of processing demands, offers, draft contracts, etc.) and consequently for the protection of our own rights and legally protected interests (e.g., for the purposes of settlement of disputes relating to the performance of contracts), incl. keeping of databases of customers, business partners, and their contact persons;

o    your data, to the extent as required by the legislation in order to meet our legal obligations, that is (including without limitation, identification, contact, and/or further personal data as necessarily required for the drafting, accounting, and archiving contracts, orders, and tax documents required for the keeping of accounting books, etc.)

We need your consent with the processing of certain personal data for certain purposes; such information as well as the purpose of their processing shall always be described in the consent that you will be requested to grant. Your consent may be required, for example:

o    in order to process your electronic mail address, for the purposes of delivering commercial communications

o    for other reasons that you will be informed about in keeping with the legislation prior to any processing of such data


How do we obtain such data?

We obtain such data in view of the voluntary and contractual nature of our mutual relationship, in principle on the basis of your voluntary provision of such data. We may verify and update such data in order to ensure their accuracy and topical nature, by way of information obtained from the subjects of such data, certain third parties, and/or from public sources (the Internet, public registers, etc.).


How do we process such data?

Your data are processed in the electronic format, and they will also be stored and secured in the same manner.

In certain necessary cases, such personal data may be processed in the form of a hard copy (e.g., concluded contracts).

A standard ERP system has been applied for the keeping of databases of customers and suppliers; a standard communication system has been applied for electronic communication; access to sources of personal data (incl. data servers) has been implemented by way of secured connections and protected by access rights with unique passwords issued to authorised users. All of such systems represent standard products whose providers guarantee compliance of data processing with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter the “GDPR”).


How do we protect such data?

Personal data have been subject to permanent electronic and procedural checks provided via technical and organisational measures. People who handle your personal data when performing their service or contractual obligations shall be bound by legal or contractual confidentiality duty.

When handling any personal data, all employees of the Company are required to observe the TG Drives Instructions for Handling and Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter the “Guidelines”).

The technical measures have been regularly, at least once a year, tested for security; the organisational measures have been verified and ensured concurrently, at least once a year.

Your right to protection of personal data has been guaranteed by way of Act no. 101/2000 Collection of Laws (“Coll.”), on protection of personal data, and the GDPR.


How long will we store and process such data?

Personal data will be processed for such a term that reflects the legal reasons for their processing, and/or unless such processing has been terminated due to other statutory reasons. Subject to consent, such processing extends as long as such consent with processing has not been withdrawn, and unless another legal reasons for such further processing exists at the same time. The term for processing shall be stipulated in the Guidelines.

Your personal data will be irrevocably destroyed and/or anonymised after the term of processing (termination of legal reasons for processing).


With whom do we share such data?

We share such data with the following recipients:

o    state authorities, and/or other entities when performing their legal obligations, such as supervisory bodies, government authorities, registers of contracts, etc.

o    external entities providing such processing under relevant agreements on processing of personal data concluded with this Company

o    providers of other applications and systems that do not process any information but may be able to access it to such extent as required for the fulfilment of certain services under exact contractual conditions

o    other entities to such extent as potentially consented to

The scope of any such personal data provided or made available shall always be limited to data required for the effecting of their purpose and their provision shall depend on the legal background of any such processing.

We do not share personal data with recipients in any third countries (outside the EU) or international organisations.


What rights are you guaranteed?

You are entitled, without limitation

o    to require access to your personal data;

o    to have your data corrected;

o    to have your data erased;

o    to limited processing;

o    to portability of personal data;

o    to object against any processing;

o    to withdraw consent with processing at any time.


How can you enforce other legal rights of yours?

We shall effect any required action within the legally stipulated extent as contained in your request. Any request, objection, notification of changes of data, and any other requirements of yours, will be addressed to: gdpr@tgdrives.cz.

If any requests made by any subjects of such data should be seen as obviously unfounded or unreasonable, including without limitation, because they may be repeated, we may charge a reasonable fee covering our costs, or we may refuse to grant such requests.

Furthermore, you are free to complain with the Office for Personal Data Protection.

The present Policy regarding processing and protection of personal data shall come into effect on 25 May 2018.

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