TG Motion
version 421 - 4033/904 cnc 121
Real-time system for controlling servo drives and I/O modules
Constants declared as enumerations
enum cnc_status : int32_t |
StatusCNC return codes.
Enumerator | |
statusOFFLINE | -2: remote device not connected (TGMmini, TGM_REMOTE) |
statusSENDING_GCODE_TO_REMOTE_DEVICE | -3: sending compiled G-code to TGMmini or TGM_REMOTE, percent progress in GCodeIndex |
statusINVALID | 0: Initial state, no G-code loaded |
statusCOMPILING | 1: Compile is in progress |
statusCOMPILE_FINISHED | -1: Compile finished (with success or error) |
statusSIMULATING | 10: Simulation is in progress |
statusSIMULATION_END | -10: Simulation finished (OK or NOK) |
statusSIMULATION_BREAK | -11: Simulation broken by ToolChainCore_StopCNCEx |
statusTEST | 20: Test is in progress |
statusTEST_END | -20: Test finished (OK or NOK) |
statusTEST_BREAK | -21: Test broken by ToolChainCore_StopCNCEx |
statusTRAJECTORY_START | -30: System is on start of trajectory |
statusTRAJECTORY_BREAK | -31: Stop on trajectory (interrupted by ToolChainCore_StopCNCEx or after connect or when the backward buffer is empty) |
statusTRAJECTORY_END | -32: End of trajectory, system stops |
statusTRAJECTORY_BREAK_M0 | -33: Stop on trajectory by M0 function |
statusFORWARD | 30: Normal forward movement on trajectory |
statusFORWARD_NO_MFUNC | 31: Forward movement without M functions (which are skipped) |
statusBACKWARD | 32: Backward movement on trajectory |
statusFORWARD_SKIP_FIRST_M | 33: Forward movement. If the first part is M function, it is skipped. Following M functions are executed normally. |
statusCONNECTING | 40: Calculation of connection point |
statusCONNECT_MOVE | 41: Movement to connection point is in progress |
statusHAND_MOVE | 50: Out of trajectory movement (ToolChainCore_GoToPosition) |
statusOUT_OF_TRAJECTORY | -50: System is stopped and positioned out of trajectory |
statusCALCULATING | 60: Internal calculation is in progress |
statusSTART_M_FUNCS | 70: Extra initial M functions are sending |
statusSTOP_M_FUNCS | 80: Extra final M function are sending |
statusCONNECT_INS_M_FUNCS | 90: Extra connecion M functions are sending |
statusNONSENSE | -1234: Invalid nonsense value |
enum connect_type : int32_t |
Connection modes (ToolChainCore_ConnectCNCEx_Plane)
Enumerator | |
connectBY_COORD | 0: go to the nearest point of given position and stop |
connectBY_LINE_START | 1: go to the begin (starting point) of G-code part located at given line
connectBY_LINE_END | 2: go to the end (ending point) of G-code part located at given line
connectBY_COORD_GO | 10: go to the nearest point of given position and continue. |
connectBY_LINE_START_GO | 11: go to the begin (starting point) of G-code part located at give line
connectBY_LINE_END_GO | 12: go to the end (ending point) of G-code part located at give line
connectBY_M_FUNC_COUNT | 20: move to given n-th M function. The n-th repetition is counted absolute from beginning of the G-code.
connectBY_M_FUNC_COUNT_REL | 21: move to given n-th M function. The n-th repetition is counted relatively from actual G-code line number.
connectBY_GCODE_INDEX | 30: go to the begin (starting point) of the G-code part determined by its G-code index
connectBY_GCODE_INDEX_ACTUAL_COORD | 31: go to the nearest point of the G-code part determined by its G-code index
connectBY_GCODE_INDEX_END | 32: go to the end (ening point) of the G-code part determined by its G-code index
connectBY_COORD_GO_BUFFERED | 40: go to the nearest point of given position and continue. |
connectBY_LINE_START_GO_BUFFERED | 41: go to the begin (starting point) of G-code part located at given line
connectBY_LINE_END_GO_BUFFERED | 42: go to the end (ending point) of G-code part located at give line
enum axis_idx : int32_t |
Axes numbers, together with special axis types. Assignment of the axes to array indexes is fixed, i.e. the first axis (index 0) is always X axis, etc... Special axes are used internally and have no relationship to array indexes.